Monday, March 12, 2012

I fully sympathise with [...] ; letters

I fully sympathise with Stephen Cannon, of Bathford, whocomplains about the lack of litter bins in his area. It seems tryingto get B&NES Council to provide new bins and repair or replace oldones is like trying to get blood from the proverbial stone, nomatter how many people write letters to the Bath Chronicle. It isn'tas if my area, East Twerton, is particularly far from the citycentre either. We have a chap with a pushcart who comes round onceevery eight weeks if we're lucky, and then there is CouncillorPlayer's bimonthly communal litter-pick. Ironically, when a few ofus residents decided on our own initiative to get out and about andsmarten up the street furniture, we were then ordered to stop doingit, in spite of the fact we were doing the council a favour - andfor free.

We also offered to club together and sponsor new bins, but thecouncil didn't want that either.

There aren't many people in East Twerton who will get off theirbacksides and do the dirty work, and since we stopped,unsurprisingly, the litter situation has grown a hundred timesworse.


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