Monday, February 27, 2012


This section is for humanistic organizations, products, and services. The minimum charge for a listing (name and address) is $8.00, Each additional word is 50 cents. E-mail and web addresses, as well as telephone and fax numbers, are $1.50 each. Commit a listing for one year and receive a 10 percent discount! You can charge your listing to your VISA or MasterCard. Copy and payment must be received two months prior to the publication date. All requests for listings must be accompanied by sample material. The Humanist reserves the right to reject any copy for whatever reason and to edit all copy to fit the format. Write for display advertising rates to: The Humanist, Advertising, 7 Harwood Drive, P.O. Box 1188, Amherst, NY 14226-7188; 1-800-743-6646; fax 1-716-839-5079;

 ORGANIZATIONS  * American Ethical Union 2 West 64th Street New York, NY 10023 1-212-873-6500 E-mail: Web:  * American Humanist Association Washington Office: 1777 T Street NW Washington, DC 20009-7125 1-800-837-3792 1-202-238-9003 FAX E-mail: Web:  Amherst Office: 7 Harwood Drive, P.O. Box 1188 Amherst, NY 14226-7188 1-800-743-6646 1-716-839-5080 E-mail: Web:  Established in 1941, it's the only democratic humanist membership organization in North America. Publisher of the bimonthlies Humanist and Free Mind, as well as numerous books from Humanist Press. Maintains a national network of close to seventy chapters.  Annual membership: $42 individual; $52 joint $19 basic (no Humanist magazine)  * Concerned Singles Newsletter P.O. Box 444-HU Lenox Dale, MA 01242-0444 1-413-445-6309 Web:  Concerned Singles Newsletter links compatible singles who care about peace, social justice, racism, gender equity, and other humanistic values. Nationwide. All adults. Since 1984. Call or write for free sample or browse our website.  * Family of Humanists P.O. Box 4153 (TH) Salem, OR 97302-8153  Newsletters: Starwalker $6 per year (six issues) for youths ages twelve and up) Adults: $10 per year (twelve issues)  Booklets: $6 each or five for $20 Why Evolution? concise and informative  Humanism for Kids (forty pages)--by and for young humanists  * Feminist Caucus of the American Humanist Association P.O. Box 448 Madison, WI 53701 1-608-256-5800  Welcomes humanist women and men.  Annual membership: $15 individual; $25 organization  * Friends of Religious Humanism P.O. Box 1188 Amherst, NY 14226-7188 1-716-839-1214 E-mail:  Affiliate organization of the Unitarian Universalist Association and publisher of the journal Religious Humanism.  Annual membership: $35 Subscription only: $22  * Imagine a World of Wanted/ Nurtured Children Shirley Braverman, director P,O. Box 1001 San Jacinto, CA 92581-1001 E-mail: Web:  Educational division of the American Humanist Association, under the auspices of the Humanist Society of Friends, promoting a civilized world through population growth control and greater nurturing in childrearing.  * International Humanist and Ethical Union 47 Theobald's Road London WC1X 8SP 44-171-831-4817 44-171-404-8641 FAX Web:  International coalition of member humanist organizations.  Annual Supporter: 30 [pounds sterling] Lifetime Supporter: 400 [pounds sterling]  * Secular Web (Internet Infidels) Web:  * Washington Area Secular Humanists P.O. Box 15319 Washington, DC 20003 1-202-298-0921  Chapters in suburban Maryland/D.C., Baltimore, Frederick, Northern Virginia, Charlottesville, and Richmond. Discussions, speakers, dinners, movies/picnics, hikes, monthly newsletter.  PERIODICALS  * The Humanist 7 Harwood Drive, P.O. Box 1188 Amherst, NY 14226-7188 1-800-743-6646 1-716-839-5080 E-mail:  A bimonthly magazine of critical inquiry and social concern.  One-year subscription: $24.95  * Humanist in Canada Box 3739, Station "C" Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Y 4J8  One-year subscription (four issues): $15 in Canada $16 outside of Canada (U.S. funds)  * Humanist Living Business Address: 1777 T Street NW Washington, DC 20009-7125 1-800-837-3792  Submissions Address: Louise Bennett, editor P.O. Box 485 Meridianville, AL 35759-0485 E-mail:  Published by the Humanist Society of Friends, a corporation of the American Humanist Association. All certified Humanist Celebrants receive Humanist Living. All others are invited to join HSOF and receive the publication.  HSOF membership and subscription: $15 per year  PRODUCTS AND LITERATURE  * Rare Freethought Books on CD-ROM Bank of Wisdom P.O. Box 926 Louisville, KY 40201 Web:  #1 The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, $30 #2 An Introduction to Freethought, $30 #3 Works of Thomas Paine, $30 #4 Facts of Freethought, $30 #5 Freethought and the Bible, $30 #6 History of Woman Suffrage, $50 #7 America: Historic Facts, $30 #8 The Un-Holy Inquisition, $30  More coming, send for current list. These CDs are crammed full of classic freethought books that can be read on screen, printed out, or copied. Each has search and cut and paste features. $3 shipping and handling any number of CDs. Credit card orders taken over our website.  * The Humanist Bookstore Dept. 18, Box 26523 Colorado Springs, CO 80936 1-800-Evolving (386-5846) Web:  Offers a wide variety of freethought-oriented merchandise, including a diverse list of titles. Members of the American Humanist Association save 10 percent on all book orders. Call for more information.  * Humanist Jewelry P.O. Box 1188 Amherst, NY 14226-7188 1-800-743-6646 E-mail: Web:  Are you proud to be a humanist? Show it with either a humanist lapel or display symbol.  Lapel pin: three-quarter-inch pin is freely crafted with the humanis logo in black enamel on a silver background and features a military clasp. $7.00 postpaid.  Symbol: five-inch, silver-colored symbol comes with either a magnetic or adhesive back that will attach to a multitude of surfaces. $9.95 postpaid.  SERVICES  * Humanist Counselors and Celebrants (Division of Humanist Certification) of the Humanist Society of Friends 1777 T Street NW Washington, DC 20009-7125 1-800-837-3792 1-202-238-9003 FAX E-mail: Web:  Nontheistic alternative to traditional clergy; certified to officiate at weddings, funerals, and other rites of passage; available for visitations. Ask for a list of celebrants in your area or information on how to become certified.  TRAINING  * The Humanist Institute 2 West 64th Street New York, NY 10023 1-212-873-0918  Offers three-year study program to train new humanist leaders and provides continuing education of existing leaders. Write or call for prerequisites for application to the program and tuition.  A FUTURE FOR YOUR IDEALS  Ensure the perpetuation of our Humanist vision--name the American Humanist Association or the Humanist Endowment Fund in your will, trust, or estate plan. You can designate the AHA and have your gift help enhance operations and special programs, or you can name the HEF whose income is used for the betterment of Humanism while its principal remains intact.  For complete details, write or call:  AHA Department of Planned Giving 1777 T Street NW Washington, DC 20009-1725 (800) 837-3792 

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